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UyUBISDvrCAHWnETsc 11-03-2012 03:15

5oCydY elyrlueuswnu
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PAOBKUqd 11-03-2012 03:05

MtOLsS gkhzfvzbkunw
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QxMvlvRDcWOBdAeGL 01-03-2012 10:09

j2B4EZ jeerkakvlovt
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JtsPoTUijNlhiCqYnjD 01-03-2012 09:39

idtmID bjkceqnelmlj
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JUKDqgdNFAwja 29-02-2012 22:30

I think the inenrett is bad and we should become green yeah awesome plan for me!!!I love unicorns and butterflies and the butterfly clan roxs!!!!
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OZIQxMmjEGODkm 29-02-2012 21:52

Jillian - I was rtclneey a student, I had a different experience. I saw alot of advantages of e-books, and bought some of my textbooks that way. For one thing, just not having to cart all those heavy books to and from class - well, that was a HUGE advantage. Maybe it helped that I didn't also have to buy the hard copy. One professor recommended the e-book, and another couple of them complimented me when they saw I had the e-book rather than the hard copy. I used my cell phone in school, not an e-reader.I actually think the student market is completely primed for e-books. As soon as they come up with a better way to mark and flip through pages quickly, students and professors (who have to research and might prefer to carry all their books with them in e-format) will switch over.One more comment - watching these polls, well it's like watching history in action. We seeing a massive technology change right in front of us.
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