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Carmen Villalobos o Gaby Espino

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Kravitz pineda 06-08-2016 11:04

Gaby espino espinó eres la mas bella mi voto es para ti
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Danna41 03-08-2015 07:09

mi voto para carmen
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Josue 14-05-2015 21:07

carmen villalobos eres la reyna mas hermosa del mundo desde venezuela besos y abrazos igual gaby espino
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Bri7sqwcckKF 26-09-2014 17:57

Hi all,I agree with Anon 11:48am that even a blurry pitruce would be better than nothing. Seems like it has been soooo long since we have heard from our girl. OTR is a very specific piece, so I guess she just needs to focus. Hope to at least hear that Rob made it Montreal -- even if it's just a pic of him and Tom. :)EllenTN
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GgmFt6FSN 26-09-2014 15:17

Steffy, I just HAVE TO tell you something:Well you know, I slmbute about your blog like every day and I am always amazed how stunning someone can be. Your outfits are gorgeous, you are SO pretty and I always feel like ordering your whole shop. Unfortunately I live in Germany so it`s probably gonna be a problem but well, what I wanna say is: I just adore your blog. Keep on like this!
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DFGLjdrypUK 26-09-2014 09:05

Hey guys (Steve and I hope there are more of you out there) and dolls!!I agree with everyone, I miss her, and a blrury pic would be ok with me, just want to know she s having fun!!Hope Rob got to Montreal and he s doing the whole Ninja thing, I don t mind that we don t have proof, I just hope that he s there for here, like she was for him in Budapest.And yeah, she does look a little sad in these pictures, maybe she was tired, and since Rob wasn t there to make it all better, it shows.Love yaMgg1606
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EygAA4Qt 23-09-2014 22:42

This small, Smiling beautiful prneciss is bound to get better and enjoy all its beauty!!!Let's all help a little!!!If everyone paid a tiny bit to the account and Gaby send SMS or make a big sound, Children will delight one heart!!!Bdi silnee malka Princesa, everything will be fine!!!a0
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MANUEL 21-09-2013 20:21

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Rosita hernandez 21-09-2013 20:20

la mas dura hay es Carmen villalobos porque es mas bella, mas joven, y mejor actriz... gaby no sirve... I love Carmen villalobos
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Ysmael 21-09-2013 20:18

la matatana Carmen villalobos la mas bella
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ALFA 21-09-2013 20:17

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TuLooKitaa16 21-09-2013 20:16

yo voto por Carmen villalobos es mas linda y actua mejor
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Belinda 21-09-2013 20:14

Carmen villalobos es la mas bella...
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Deyaniraa 21-09-2013 20:13

Obio q Carmen Villalobos es mas linda y major actriz... Arriba Carmen...
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Daniel brito 21-09-2013 20:12

Carmen Villalobos la mejor 1000%
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Lola 21-09-2013 20:11

Claro q Carmen Villalobos es mejor...
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Noeli 21-09-2013 20:10

Miiiil veces CARMEN VILLALOBOS, ella es mas Hermosa, major actriz, mas joven y es major pareja para Jencarlos Canela ellos dos si hacen linda pareja porque los dos son jovenes y bellos y tienen mucha quimica.... gaby espino es una viejaaa... Always CARMEN VILLALOBOS Y Always ViLLANELA...
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Mariangelys toyo 01-04-2013 13:40

las dos son unas actrises extraordinarias, pero mas q todo son bellisimas, pero mii voto es para gaby
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